Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Social Network

Reminds you of the beginning Warner Brothers/DC logo stuff, doesn't it!


Oh I see.

"Here."- Batman, in Batman Begins.

He's watching us!

That is some cinematosynergy right there. Look at that lighting and composition! Fincher is the man.

I love Gap.
Doesn't anyone in college and in the movies use paper anymore??

Cinematographicness. Which is to say, symmetry, in this case. And a guy throwing up.
Conducting. Gap.
The face of the next Spider Man.

I bet that's from the Gap.

Sweet, more Gatorade!


Check it out Mark, this is how I recycle.

Does anyone really burn crap in such a cinematic pose?

Rain machine. Nice turn-around, look-over-the-shoulder, pining look. This dude is going to be a great Spider Man.

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question, no one in college and in the movies uses paper anymore. Everyone's going 'green' these days.
